MYTHOLOGY is pure death incarnate. This is the true representation of long forgotten evil of aeons past. In this sense, the use of such a title truly depicts its own absolute meaning. Songs by this "band" are not inspirations, but channeled tales of ancient magick and death. This is the act of the IMMORTALS telling sagas. Both of commandment and warning.

This necropantheon has been known to mortals since 2004 A.D., as they have just past their twentieth anniversary in this realm. With awesome strength, these harbingers of chaos unleash their CATACLYSM upon mortal plains none too often. Unexpected, a cycle of total death. These are GODS who are at constant war with the cosmos.

Little information has survived the ages, for their messages have been buried by time. However, there is reason to believe that much more shall be discovered, as traces of such a grand FORCE cannot remain hidden forever, should they have willed it so... for the return of evil is inevitable...

